Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Armamento Aereo: Gran Bretagna
II GM - Guerra Aerea
II GM: Gran Bretagna
II GM: Commonwealth
Armam. Terr.: Gran Bretagna
Armam. Navale: Gran Bretagna
Arm. Aereo (Generalità)
Arm. Aereo: Italia
Arm. Aereo-Germania
Arm. Aereo: Russia
Arm. Aereo: Stati Uniti
Arm. Aereo: Francia
Arm. Aereo: Giappone
Armam. Aereo: Altri Paesi
Arm. Aereo: post 1945
Armam. Aereo: Elicotteri
Pol/Cze: Mezzi Aerei
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
Risultati della Ricerca: 673 Prodotti
41895 - Shores-Thomas, C.-C.:
2nd Tactical Air Force Vol 4: Squadrons, Camouflage and Markings, Weapons and Tactics 1943-1945
55.00 €
32161 - Konarski, M.:
304 Squadron (Polish) RAF
18.00 €
52698 - Vancata-Radomski, P.-M.:
311 Squadron (Czechoslovak) RAF
23.50 €
52231 - Robinard-Trombetta-Clementine, F.-P.-J.:
50 Aerodromes pour une victoire. Juin-Septembre 1944
65.00 €
71836 - Doyle, D.:
A-26 Invader. Douglas A-26/B-26 from WWII through Vietnam - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
41555 - Vangansbeke, L.:
Achtung Jabo! Les Chasseurs Bombardiers Allies au combat
45.00 €
43214 - Bowman, M.W.:
Achtung! Moskito! RAF and USAAF Mosquito Fighters, Fighter-Bombers, and Bombers over the Third Reich 1941-1945
85.00 €
47018 - Bowyer, M.J.F.:
Action Stations Revisited Vol 1: Eastern England
39.95 €
47020 - Bowyer, M.J.F.:
Action Stations Revisited Vol 2: Central England and the London Area
39.95 €
47021 - Lee, D.:
Action Stations Revisited Vol 3: South East England
39.95 €
47022 - Berryman, D.:
Action Stations Revisited Vol 4: South West England
39.95 €
47023 - Mclellan, L.:
Action Stations Revisited Vol 5: Wales and the Midlands
39.95 €
47024 - Mclellan, L.:
Action Stations Revisited Vol 6: Northern England and Yorkshire
39.95 €
56650 - Brooks, R.J.:
Aerodromes of Fighter Command Then and now
75.00 €
65737 - Hawkins, D.:
Aicraft in Detail 001: Jaguar. Royal Air Force, Armee de l'Air, Indian Air Force
27.00 €
65704 - Hawkins, D.:
Aicraft in Detail 005: Panavia Tornado. Flying in the RAF, German, Italian and Saoudi Air Forces
29.95 €
67017 - Hawkins, D.:
Aicraft in Detail 006: Eurofighter Typhoon flying with Air Forces around the World
29.95 €
67716 - Hawkins, D.:
Aicraft in Detail 011: BAE Systems Harrier II flying with Air Forces around the World
33.00 €
29107 - Butler-Hagedorn, P.-D.:
Air Arsenal North America. Aircraft for the Allies 1938-45. Purchase and Lend-Lease
69.95 €
60453 - Franks, N.:
Air Battle for Dunkirk. 26 May - 3 June 1940
15.00 €
71467 - Bird-Tooby, A.D.-A.:
Air Campaign 037: Operation Black Buck 1982.The Vulcans' extraordinary Falklands War raids
27.00 €
29517 - Donald, D.:
Air Combat Legends Vol 1: Spitfire, Seafire, Messerschmitt Bf 109
45.00 €
41978 - Cooper, A.:
Air Gunner. The Men Who Manned the Turrets
39.95 €
52346 - Chorlton-Tooby, M.-A.:
Air Vanguard 001: Allison-Engined P-51 Mustang
23.00 €
52348 - Guttman, J.:
Air Vanguard 003: Sopwith Camel
23.00 €
53570 - Chorlton-Tooby, M.-A.:
Air Vanguard 006: Hawker Hurricane Mk I-V
23.00 €
53572 - Molesworth, C.:
Air Vanguard 008: Curtiss P-40. Long-nosed Tomahawks
23.00 €
54550 - Molesworth, C.:
Air Vanguard 011: Curtiss P-40 Snub-nosed Kittyhawks and Warhawks
23.00 €
58718 - Marks, R.:
Air Vanguard 021: Avro Lancaster
23.00 €
68529 - Eden-Moeng, P.-S. cur:
Aircraft anatomy. A Technical guide to Military Aircraft from WWII to the modern day
39.95 €
63671 - MacKay, R.:
Aircraft in Action 250: DH.98 Mosquito In Action
27.00 €
18421 - Price-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 005: Late Mark Spitfire Aces 1942-45
27.00 €
20457 - Price-Fretwell, A.-K.:
Aircraft of the Aces 012: Spitfire Mark I/II Aces 1939-41
27.00 €
20458 - Price-Fretwell, A.-K.:
Aircraft of the Aces 016: Spitfire Mark V Aces 1941-45
27.00 €
17997 - Holmes-Fretwell, T.-K.:
Aircraft of the Aces 018: Hurricane Aces 1939-40
27.00 €
19700 - Gretzyngier, R.:
Aircraft of the Aces 021: Polish Aces of World War II
27.00 €
20984 - Thomas-Davey, C.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 027: Typhoon and Tempest Aces of World War II
27.00 €
20909 - Thomas, A.:
Aircraft of the Aces 038: Tomahawk and Kittyhawk Aces of the RAF and Commonwealth
27.00 €
15333 - Clements-Laurier, T.J-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 041: American Volunteer Group Colours and Markings
27.00 €
21603 - Thomas-Weal, A.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 044: Gloster Gladiator Aces
27.00 €
21709 - Shores-Rolfe, C.-M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 045: British and Empire Aces of World War I
27.00 €
22537 - Franks-Dempsey, N.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 048: Dolphin and Snipe Aces of World War I
27.00 €
25339 - Franks-Weal, N.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 052: Sopwith Camel Aces of World War I
27.00 €
27021 - Thomas-Weal, A.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 057: Hurricane Aces 1941-45
27.00 €
26770 - Franks-Dempsey, N.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 062: Sopwith Triplane Aces of World War I
27.00 €
30589 - Thomas-Weal, A.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 065: Beaufighter Aces of World War II
27.00 €
32036 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 066: Balloon-Busting Aces of World War I
27.00 €
32030 - Franks-Dempsey, N.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 067: Sopwith Pup Aces of World War I
27.00 €
32063 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 069: Mosquito Aces of World War II
27.00 €
35895 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 075: Royal Navy Aces of World War II
27.00 €
35898 - Franks-Dempsey, N.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 078: SE 5/5a Aces of World War I
27.00 €
37156 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 079: Bristol F2 Fighter Aces of World War I
27.00 €
37157 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 080: American Spitfire Aces of World War II
27.00 €
38021 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 081: Griffon Spitfire Aces
27.00 €
33149 - Nichols, S.:
Aircraft of the Aces 083: Malta Spitfire Aces
27.00 €
40724 - Thomas, A.:
Aircraft of the Aces 087: Spitfire Aces of Burma and the Pacific
27.00 €
44582 - Thomas, A.:
Aircraft of the Aces 093: RAF Mustang and Thunderbolt Aces
27.00 €
49404 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 097: Naval Aces of World War I Part 1
27.00 €
47704 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 098: Spitfire Aces of North Africa and Italy
27.00 €
50843 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 105: Defiant, Blenheim and Havoc Aces
27.00 €
52342 - Rybin-Rusinov, Y.-A.:
Aircraft of the Aces 107: Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War II
27.00 €
54543 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 113: V1 Flying Bomb Aces
27.00 €
55431 - Stanaway-Davey, J.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 120: P-38 Lightning Aces 1942-43
27.00 €
56880 - Thomas-Thomas, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 122: Spitfire Aces of Northwest Europe
27.00 €
58724 - Matusiak, W.:
Aircraft of the Aces 127: Polish Spitfire Aces
27.00 €
58728 - Thomas, A.:
Aircraft of the Aces 131: Spitfire Aces of the Channel Front 1941-43
27.00 €
53495 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe Album 02 Hawker Sea Fury. A Detailed Guide to The Fleet Air Arm's Last Piston-Engine Fighter - New Edition
27.00 €
57168 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe Album 04: Westland Whirlwind New Ed. A Detailed Guide to the RAF's Twin-engine Fighter
33.00 €
59811 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe Album 08 Hornet and Sea Hornet. A Detailed Guide to the RAF's and FAA's Last Twin-engine Fighter
29.95 €
65403 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe Album 14 Bristol Beaufighter. A Detailed Guide To Bristol's Hard-hitting Twin
29.95 €
66012 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe Album 15 Gloster/A.W. Meteor. A Detailed Guide to Britain's First Jet Fighter
33.00 €
70947 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe Album 18 Fairey Firefly. A Detailed Guide to the Fleet Air Arm's versatile Monoplane
33.00 €
72752 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe Album 19 Fairey Barracuda. A Detailed Guide to the Fleet Air Arm's First Torpedo-Bomber Monoplane
36.00 €
52054 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 02: Hawker Typhoon including The Hawker Tornado 3rd. Ed. A Complete Guide to the RAF's Classic Ground-Attack Fighter
45.00 €
61317 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 08: De Havilland Mosquito Part 1: Bomber and Photo Reconnaissance
33.00 €
65404 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 12: Supermarine Spitfire Part 1 (Merlin-powered) including the Seafire. New Ed.
45.00 €
68698 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 16: Hawker Hurricane. A Complete Guide to the Famous Fighter
45.00 €
71845 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 20: Avro Lancaster (including the Manchester) Part One - Wartime Service. A Complete Guide to the RAF's Legendary Heavy Bomber
45.00 €
37985 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe and Miniature 21: Avro Lancaster (including the Lancastrian) Part Two - Post War Service
49.95 €
67944 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe Detail 09: Westland Lysander. A Technical Guide
29.95 €
71462 - Franks, R.A.:
Airframe Detail 10: Bristol Beaufort. A Technical Guide
29.95 €
36080 - Owens, C.:
Airlift Force RAF Transport Command 1948-1967
30.00 €
22239 - Nicolls, B.:
Airman's Guide (8th edition)
21.00 €
38124 - AAVV, :
Allied Bombers DVD
18.00 €
28184 - Spick, M.:
Allied Fighter Aces. The Air Combat Tactics and Techniques of World War II
33.00 €
40179 - Listemann, P.H.:
Allied Wings 02: Martin Marauder Mk.I
18.00 €
40182 - Jennks-Laird-Listemann, C.-M.-P.H.:
Allied Wings 05: The Dauntless in RNZAF Service
18.00 €
45955 - Listemann-Thomas-Laird, P.H.-A.-M.:
Allied Wings 08: Boulton Paul Defiant Vol 1
19.95 €
45956 - Listemann-Laird, P.H.-M.:
Allied Wings 09: North American B-25 in Australian Service
19.95 €
45957 - Listemann-Laird-Crawford, P.H.-M.-A.:
Allied Wings 10: Hawker Fury Vol 1
19.95 €
58677 - Norton, B.:
American Aircraft Development of WWII. Special Types 1939-1945
45.00 €
56774 - Buttler-Griffith, T.-A.:
American Secret Projects 1. Fighters, Bombers and Attack Aircraft 1937-1945
45.00 €
66157 - Cox-Kaston, G.-C.:
American Secret Projects 2: US Airlifters 1941 to 1961
45.00 €
27691 - Cox-Kaston, G.-C.:
American Secret Projects 3: US Airlifters since 1962
45.00 €
54616 - Da Forno-Foschia, G.-N.:
Armonie di colori in volo. L'universo delle Pattuglie Acrobatiche Militari
48.00 €
47172 - Di Nunzio, M.:
Assi della caccia della RAF (Gli)
24.00 €
52630 - Thomas, A.:
Assi dello Spitfire del Nord Africa e dell'Italia
18.00 €
19228 - Hall, P.:
Aviation Elite Units 003: No. 91 Nigeria Sqn
27.00 €
23420 - Saunders-Davey, A.-C.:
Aviation Elite Units 009: No 43 Squadron
27.00 €
33152 - Bucholtz, C.:
Aviation Elite Units 030: 4th Fighter Group. Debden Eagles
27.00 €
42941 - Revell, A.:
Aviation Elite Units 033: No 56 Sqn RAF/RFC
27.00 €
42942 - Bateman, A.:
Aviation Elite Units 034: No 617 'Dambusters' Squadron
27.00 €
49407 - Revell-Dempsey, A.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 041: No 60 Sqn RFC/RAF
27.00 €
57626 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 04/1: Hawker Tornado, Typhoon, Tempest, Sea Fury
18.95 €
57627 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 04/2: Hawker Tornado, Typhoon, Tempest, Sea Fury
18.95 €
61362 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 04/3: Hawker Tornado, Typhoon, Tempest, Sea Fury
18.95 €
61361 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 04/4: Hawker Tornado, Typhoon, Tempest, Sea Fury
27.00 €
57625 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 05/1: Gloster Gladiator y Seagladiator
18.95 €
57635 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 07: Fairey Albacore
18.95 €
57623 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 10: Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation Ca.12, CA.13, CA.14 y C.19 Boomerang
15.00 €
61366 - Fresno Crespo, C.:
Avion y sus colores 13/1: Sopwith F.1 Camel y 2F.1 Ships Camel
21.00 €
57598 - Robinson-Derry, N.-M.:
Avro Lancaster in Military Service 1945-1965 - Flightcraft Series 04
29.95 €
66651 - Vangansbeke, L.:
Avro Lancaster. Le Bombardier de la RAF
35.00 €
40698 - Cotter-Blackah, J.-P.:
Avro Lancaster. Owners' Workshop Manual. 1941 onwards (all marks)
36.00 €
67103 - Mackay, R.:
Avro Lancaster. RAF Bomber Command's Heavy Bomber in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
45834 - White, G.:
Avro Lancaster. The survivors
29.95 €
61849 - Derry-Robinson, M.-N.:
Avro Shackleton - Flightcraft Series 09
29.95 €
59030 - Wilson, K.:
Avro Shackleton. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1949 to 1991 (All Marks)
45.00 €
71846 - Skipper, B.:
B-17 Flying Fortress - Flightcraft Series 27
29.95 €
22937 - Freeman, R.:
Bases of Bomber Command Then and Now
75.00 €
52547 - Gibson, C.:
Battle Flight. RAF Air Defence Projects and Weapons Since 1945
45.00 €
57978 - Wilson, K.:
Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Operation Manual. 1957 to date. Behind the scenes at the RAF's
45.00 €
15755 - Ramsey, W.G.:
Battle of Britain then and now (The)
99.00 €
41352 - Scott-Madgwick, P.-G.:
Battle of Britain. Camouflage and Markings 1940
33.00 €
39689 - Smith, P.C.:
Battle-Cruiser HMS Renown 1916-48
36.00 €
34252 - Parry, S.:
Beaufighter Squadrons in Focus
33.00 €
61971 - Forster, D.:
Black Box Canberras. British Test and Trials Canberras 1951-1994
45.00 €
66388 - Willis, M.:
Blackburn Shark
27.50 €
65178 - Wilson, K.:
Blackburn/BAE Buccaneer Owner's Workshop Manual. All Marks 1958-94
45.00 €
54019 - Brew, S.:
Blood, Sweat and Valour: 41 Squadron RAF 1942-1945
55.00 €
63436 - Langham, R.:
Bloody Paralyser. The Giant Handley Page Bombers of the First World War
33.00 €
57475 - Napier , M.:
Blue Diamonds. The Exploits of 14 Squadron RAF 1945-2015
39.95 €
68160 - Stitt-Franzi, R.M.-J.:
Boeing B-17 Fortress in RAF Coastal Command Service
45.00 €
45835 - Stitt, R.M.:
Boeing B-17 Fortress in RAF Coastal Command Service
39.95 €
38310 - Delve, K.:
Bomber Command 1936-1968 an Operational and Historical Record
36.00 €
15890 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 1: 1939-40 2nd Ed.
33.00 €
15891 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 2: 1941
24.00 €
15894 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 5: 1944
40.00 €
15895 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 6: 1945
27.00 €
26679 - Chorley, W.L.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 7: OTUs 1940-47
35.00 €
28321 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 8: Heavy Conversion Units and Miscellaneous Units, 1939-1947
29.95 €
38195 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 9: Roll of Honour, 1939-1947
36.00 €
22455 - Bowyer, C.:
Bomber group at War
35.00 €
37881 - Dillon, J.:
Bombers at Suez. The RAF Bombing Campaign During the Suez War 1956 - Middle East @War 038
29.95 €
32160 - Ansell, M.:
Boulton Paul Defiant
25.00 €
47081 - Warner, G.:
Bristol Blenheim. A Complete History (The)
55.00 €
59029 - Cotter, J.:
Bristol Blenheim. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1935-1944 (all marks)
45.00 €
42393 - Ellis, K.:
Britain's Aircraft Industry. Triumphs and Tragedies since 1909
49.95 €
60627 - McLelland, T.:
Britain's Cold War Bombers
33.00 €
30712 - Mackay, R.:
Britain's Fleet Air Arm in World War II
75.00 €
69297 - Hodgson, J.P.:
Britain's Glorious Aircraft Industry. 100 Years of Success, Setbacks and Change
45.00 €
47026 - Derry, M.:
Britain's Military Aircraft in Colour 1960-1970 Vol 1: Hunter, Valletta and Vampire
19.95 €
15963 - Goodall, M.:
British Aeroplanes Before the Great War
75.00 €
56605 - Dancey, P.G.:
British Aircraft Manufacturers since 1909
33.00 €
72581 - Chapman, L.:
British Aircraft of the Falklands War
25.00 €
70467 - Owers, C.A:
British Aircraft of WWI Vol 1: Experimental Fighters Part 1
45.00 €
70468 - Owers, C.A:
British Aircraft of WWI Vol 2: Experimental Fighters Part 2
59.95 €
70469 - Owers, C.A:
British Aircraft of WWI Vol 3: Fairey Aircraft
59.95 €
70776 - Kotelnikov, V.:
British and American Aircraft in Russia prior to 1941
69.95 €
35328 - Franks, N.:
British and Commonwealth Aces of World War II. The Pictorial Record
75.00 €
15979 - Rogers, L.:
British Aviation Squadron Markings of World War I. RFC - RAF - RNAS
85.00 €
46587 - Rivas, S.:
British Combat Aircraft in Latin America
69.95 €
23671 - Jones, B.:
British Experimental Turbojet Aircraft
55.00 €
36396 - AAVV, :
British Fighter Aircraft of WWII 3 DVD
39.00 €
71678 - Goss, C.:
British Fighters of the 1970s and '80s
25.00 €
71679 - Goss, C.:
British Ground-Attack Aircraft of the 1970s and 80s
25.00 €
55825 - Derry, M.:
British Military Aviation. 1960s in Colour Vol 1: Meteor, Valiant, Beverley
19.95 €
66418 - Robinson, N.:
British Military Test and Evaluation Aircraft. the Golden Years 1945-1975 - FlightCraft Special 01
29.95 €
26269 - Buttler, T.:
British Secret Projects Vol 2: Jet Bombers since 1949
45.00 €
66158 - Buttler, T.:
British Secret Projects Vol 3: Fighters 1935-1950
45.00 €
16000 - Buttler, T.:
British Secret Projects Vol 4: Bombers 1935-1950
45.00 €
61973 - Sharp, D.:
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34232 - Revell, A.:
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85.00 €
66335 - Laemlein, T.:
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29.95 €
56303 - Pitchfork, G.:
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36.00 €
36069 - Lucas, P.:
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36070 - Lucas, P.:
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36073 - Lucas, P.:
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53752 - Stafrace-Rolfe, C.-M.:
Camouflage and Markings 06: The air campaign for the freedom of Lybia February to October 2011. Operations Odyssey Dawn and Unified Protector
29.95 €
43050 - Wragg, D.:
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36.00 €
70721 - Hawkins, D.:
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29.95 €
15222 - Flintham, V.:
Close Call. RAF Close Air Support in the Mediterranean Vol 1: Defeat in France to El Hamma 1939-1943
49.95 €
18801 - Flintham, V.:
Close Call. RAF Close Air Support in the Mediterranean Vol 2. Sicily to Victory in Italy 1943-1945
49.95 €
32367 - Jackson, R.:
Cold War Combat Prototypes
36.00 €
68085 - Sharp, D.:
Cold War Interceptor. The RAF's F.155T/O.R. 329 Fighter Projects
45.00 €
71960 - Lucas, P.:
Colour Conundrum Compendium No.1
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71961 - Lucas, P.:
Colour Conundrum Compendium No.2
39.95 €
49655 - Lucas, P.:
Colour Conundrum Compendium No.3
39.95 €
18996 - Bowman-Davey, M.-C.:
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27.00 €
15844 - Lake-Davey, J.-C.:
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27.00 €
18997 - Bowman-Davey, M.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 009: Mosquito Fighter/Fighter-Bomber Units of World War II
27.00 €
17856 - Lake-Davey, J.-C.:
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27.00 €
15196 - Chant-Rolfe, C.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 028: Air War in the Falklands 1982
27.00 €
22568 - Lake-Davey, J.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 031: Lancaster Squadrons 1942-43
27.00 €
23454 - Lake-Davey, J.-C.:
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27.00 €
38037 - Lake-Davey, J.-C.:
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27.00 €
46433 - Bell-Laurier, T.E.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 085: B-57 Canberra Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
46434 - Thomas-Thomas, C.-C.:
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27.00 €
47710 - Brookes-Davey, A.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 088: Victor Units of the Cold War
27.00 €
52365 - Brookes-Davey, A.-C.:
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27.00 €
55447 - Brookes-Davey, A.-C.:
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27.00 €
58730 - Thomas, C.:
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27.00 €
64051 - Falconer, J.:
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27.00 €
15254 - Napier, M.:
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27.00 €
68336 - Napier, M.:
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27.00 €
70160 - Napier-Hector, M.-G.:
Combat Aircraft 142: RAF Tornado Units in Combat 1992-2019
27.00 €
41148 - Fletcher-Laurier-Hector, A.-J.-G.:
Combat Aircraft 150: Spitfire Photo-Recce Units of World War 2
27.00 €
26153 - Flintham-Thomas, V.-A.:
Combat Codes. A full explanation and listing of British, Commonwealth and Allied air force unit codes since 1938
79.00 €
36075 - Bridgwater, H.C.:
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19.95 €
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21.00 €
36078 - Lucas, P.:
Combat Colours 05: de Havilland Mosquito in RAF Photographic Reconnaissance and Bomber service: 1941 to 1945
21.00 €
36079 - Lucas, P.:
Combat Colours 06: de Havilland Mosquito Day and Night Fighters in RAF service: 1941 to1945
21.00 €
53751 - Robinson-Scott, N.-P.:
Combat Colours 08: Supermarine Spitfire in World War Two Vol 1: Merlin-Engined Marks (Mk.I to Mk.XVI)
25.00 €
27718 - Holmes, H.:
Combat Legend - Avro Lancaster
18.00 €
29124 - Caygill, P.:
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18.00 €
73515 - De Montis, M.:
Dal lampo rosso ai Bagliori di guerra. Dall'Italia dei record aeronautici alle esigenze belliche. Industria italiana e anglosassone a confronto 1933-1943
26.50 €
54253 - Murray, I.:
Dam Busters. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1943 onwards (all marks and models)
36.00 €
41901 - Ward-Lee- Wachtel, C.-A.-A.:
Dambusters. The Definitive History of 617 Squadron at War 1943-1945
39.95 €
23320 - Euler, H.:
Dams Raid through the Lens (The)
45.00 €
22945 - Owers, C.:
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45.00 €
22977 - Owers, C.:
De Havilland Aircraft of WWI Vol 2: DH5 - DH15
49.95 €
32369 - Bowman, M.W.:
De Havilland Mosquito
29.95 €
67109 - MacKay, R.:
De Havilland Mosquito Vol 1: The Night-Fighter and Fighter-Bomber Marques in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
69446 - Mackay, R.:
De Havilland Mosquito Vol 2: The Bomber and Photo-Recon Marques in World WarII - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
35425 - Howe, S.:
De Havilland Mosquito. An Illustrated History Vol 1
27.00 €
35426 - Howe, S.:
De Havilland Mosquito. An Illustrated History Vol 2
45.00 €
54972 - Falconer-Rivas, A.:
De Havilland Mosquito. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1940 Onwards (all marks)
36.00 €
48046 - Slater, S.:
De Havilland Tiger Moth. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1931-1945 (all marks)
21.00 €
66403 - Burt, D.:
Desert Cats. The RAF's Jaguar Force in the First Gulf War
45.00 €
40607 - Hancock, I.:
Directory of Britain's Military Aircraft Vol 1. Fighters, Bombers, Ground Attack, Strike and Overland Reconnaissance
39.95 €
46935 - Walker, M.:
Douglas: the Complete History
29.95 €
40087 - Hubbard-Simmons, K.M.:
Dropping Britain's First H-Bomb. The Story of Operation Grapple 1957
36.00 €
38090 - Holmes, T.:
Duel 005: Spitfire vs Bf 109. Battle of Britain
25.00 €
38038 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Duel 007: Sopwith Camel vs Fokker Dr I. Western Front 1917-18
25.00 €
40740 - Nijboar, D.:
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25.00 €
42955 - Guttman, J.:
Duel 020: SE 5a vs Albatros D V. Western Front 1917-18
25.00 €
46443 - Holmes-Laurier, T.-J.:
Duel 029: Hurricane vs Bf 110
25.00 €
49422 - Molesworth-Laurier, C.-J.:
Duel 038: P-40 Warhawk vs Bf 109. MTO 1942-44
25.00 €
50859 - Miller-Laurier, J.F.-J.:
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25.00 €
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Duel 045: Meteor I vs V1 Flying Bomb 1944-45
25.00 €
52370 - Gustavsson-Laurier, H.-J.:
Duel 047: Gladiator vs CR.42 Falco 1940-41
25.00 €
53588 - Forczyk-Laurier, R.-J.:
Duel 051: Bf 110 vs Lancaster
25.00 €
55448 - Miller-Laurier, J.F.-J.:
Duel 055: FE 2b/d vs Albatros Scouts. Western Front 1916-17
25.00 €
55452 - Nijboer-Laurier, D.-J.:
Duel 060: Spitfire V vs C.202 Folgore 1942-43
25.00 €
57377 - Holmes-Laurier, T.-J.:
Duel 067: Spitfire II/V vs Bf 109F
25.00 €
58760 - Saunders-Laurier-Hector, A.-J.-G.:
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25.00 €
62942 - Dildy-Calcaterra-Laurier-Hector, D.-P.-J.-G.:
Duel 081: Sea Harrier FSR.1 vs Mirage III/Dagger. South Atlantic 1982
25.00 €
64054 - Guttman, J.:
Duel 085: Zeppelin vs British Home Defence 1915-18
25.00 €
66543 - Forsyth-Laurier-Hector, R.-J.-G.:
Duel 097: Tempest V vs Fw 190D-9. 1944-45
25.00 €
66544 - Nijboer-Laurier-Hector, D.-J.-G.:
Duel 098: German Flak Defences vs Allied Heavy Bombers 1942-45
25.00 €
70989 - Willis-Laurier, M.-J.:
Duel 124: Royal Navy torpedo-bombers vs Axis warships. 1939-45
25.00 €
41179 - Lardas-Laurier, M.-J.:
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25.00 €
73234 - Saunders, A.:
Duel 138: RAF Fighters vs Ju 87 Stuka. In the West 1940-41
25.00 €
47028 - Gibson, G.:
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17.50 €
61847 - Derry-Robinson, M.-N.:
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39449 - Vetter-Vetter, B.-F.:
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35.00 €
38586 - AAVV, :
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61892 - Willis, M.:
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38424 - Delve, K.:
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61991 - Friedman, N.:
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36.00 €
68080 - Willis, M.:
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70960 - Willis, M.:
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39757 - Key, A.:
Fleet Air Arm: an Illustrated History (The)
55.00 €
15683 - AAVV, :
Flugzeug Profile 07: BAe Harrier Varianten
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16480 - AAVV, :
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40848 - Eswards, G.:
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47677 - Guttman, J.:
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15.00 €
53956 - Warner , G.:
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39.95 €
46705 - Higgs, G.:
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56604 - James, D.N.:
Gloster Aircraft Company
25.00 €
30857 - Crawford, A.:
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25.00 €
40414 - Crawford-Juszczak, A.-A.:
Gloster Gladiator Vol 1: Development and Operational History
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42849 - Crawford, A.:
Gloster Gladiator Vol 2: The Survivors in Detail
39.95 €
47263 - Kershaw, T.:
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25.00 €
63853 - Derry-Robinson, M.N.:
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67742 - Grummitt, D.:
Guideline in Action 02: Atlantic Resolve. NATO's Show of Strength in Europe 2014-2018 Vol 2: Aircraft
24.00 €
39587 - Postlethwaite, M.:
Hampden Squadrons in Focus
33.00 €
61258 - Cotter, J.:
Handley Page Halifax. Owner's Workshop Manual
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70509 - Revell, A.:
Happy Warrior. The Life of James Thomas Byford McCudden VC (The)
39.00 €
58531 - Marston, B.:
Harrier Boys Vol 1: Cold War Through the Falklands, 1969-1990
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60448 - Marston, B.:
Harrier Boys Vol 2: New technologies, New Threats, New Tactics, 1990-2010
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35721 - Nordeen, L.O.:
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46135 - Attrill, M.:
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59726 - Sgarlato, N.:
Harrier. La storia, le versioni e l'impiego di un aeroplano straodinario
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40421 - Crawford, A.:
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49767 - Derry-Robinson, M.-N.:
Hawker Hunter in British Service - Flightcraft Series 16
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56827 - Robinson-Freeman, N.-J.:
Hawker Hunter in RAF Service
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47086 - McLelland, T.:
Hawker Hunter. A Complete History (The)
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62260 - Cooper-Salti, T.-P.:
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29377 - Robinson-Derry, N.-M.:
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47283 - Price-Blackah, A.-P.:
Hawker Hurricane. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1935 onwards (all marks)
27.00 €
65456 - Mackay, R.:
Hawker Hurricane. The RAF's Battle of Britain Stalwart - Legends of Warfare
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53347 - Calvert, D.J.:
Hawker Siddeley/BAe Harrier. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1960 onwards (all marks)
21.00 €
69739 - Galbiati, F.:
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63393 - Even Epstein, G.:
Hawkeye. The Enthralling Autobiography of the Top-Scoring Israel Air Force Ace of Aces
36.00 €
40891 - Flintham, V.:
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34235 - Westrop, M.:
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75.00 €
30802 - Rajlich, J.:
History Profile 02: Czechoslovak Spitfire in detail
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46718 - Robinson , I.:
Home is the Halifax. An extraordinary account of re-building a Classic WWII Bomber and creating the Yorkshire Air Museum to House it
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57114 - Green, B.:
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57507 - Hatch, J.:
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59274 - Green, B.:
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48713 - Green, B.:
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45327 - Green, B.:
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54443 - McCutcheon, C.:
How to Fly a Battle of Britain Fighter. Spitfire, Messerschmitt, Hurricane
15.00 €
66657 - Pautigny, B.:
HS Aces 01: Les F4U Corsair Iere Partie: Du prototype au F4U-4
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HS Aces 02: Les F4U Corsair IIeme Partie: Du F2G au F4U-7
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67629 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 36: De Havilland Mosquito
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70599 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 42: Typhoon et Tempest. La puissance absolue chez Hawker
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60452 - Pike, R.:
Hunter Boys. True tales from pilots of the Hawker Hunter
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45833 - Rajlich, J.:
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26244 - Fopp, M.A. cur:
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45.00 €
26586 - Birtles, P.:
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42531 - Ward-Lee, C.-A.:
Images of War. 617 Dambuster Squadron at War
25.00 €
52501 - Sutherland-Canwell, J.-D.:
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67074 - Napier, M.:
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70510 - Casarrubea, A.:
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56302 - Hall, I.:
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51347 - Caygill, P.:
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48190 - Lang, G.:
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24115 - Postlethwaite, M.:
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30415 - Patterson-Dick, D.-R.:
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18.00 €
71245 - Kotelnikov, V.:
Land-Lease and Soviet Aviation in Second World War
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40084 - Wilson, J.:
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42533 - Bowman, M.W.:
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60455 - Pike, R.:
Lightning Boys Vol 1. True tales from pilots of the English Electric Lightning
36.00 €
60456 - Pike, R.:
Lightning Boys Vol 2. True tales from pilots and Engineers of the RAF's iconic supersonic fighter
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51405 - Caygill, P.:
Lightning from the Cockpit. Flying the Supersonic Legend
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42568 - White, A.:
Lightning Up. The Career of Air Vice-Marshal Alan White
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55977 - Forster-Gibson, D.-C.:
Listening In. RAF Electronic Intelligence Gathering since 1945
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23358 - Beurling, G.:
Malta Spitfire. The Diary of a Fighter Pilot
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18736 - Mikesh, R.:
Martin B-57 Canberra. The Complete Record
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42780 - Feast, S.:
Master Bombers. The Experiences of a Pathfinder Squadron at War 1942-1945
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71616 - Coughlin, G.:
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41998 - Bowman, M.W.:
Men who Flew the Mosquito. Compelling Account of the 'Wooden Wonders' Triumphant WWII Career (The)
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63904 - Pittman, R.:
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67462 - Schatz, S.:
Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet
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46575 - Caygill, P.:
Meteor from the Cockpit. Britain's First Jet Fighters
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61974 - Buttler, T.:
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32162 - Mason-Mottram, P.-D.:
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65448 - Postlethwaite-Price, M.-M.:
Modeller's Photographic Archive 01: Bristol Blenheim Mk. I and Mk. If
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42368 - Evans, A.:
Modellers Datafile 11: British Aerospace Sea Harrier 'Falkland Fighter'. A comprehensive Guide for the Modeller
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46967 - Evans, A.:
Modellers Datafile 17: BAe (Hawker Siddeley) RAF Harrier. A comprehensive Guide
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16534 - Franks, R.:
Modellers Datafile 20: De Havilland Mosquito 2nd Ed.
36.00 €
69619 - Herne, J.:
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66787 - Murawski, M.J.:
Monografie 65: Gloster Gladiator Mk I and II (and Sea Gladiator)
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51207 - Nelson, M.:
33.00 €
30668 - Birtles, P.:
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46910 - Bowman, M.W.:
Mosquito Mayhem. De Havilland's Wooden Wonder in Action in WWll
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40420 - Bowman, M.W.:
Mosquito Menacing the Reich. Combat Actions in the Twin-Engine Wooden Wonder of WWII
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41669 - Curtis, D.:
Most Secret Squadron (A)
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21711 - Konstam-Bryan, A.-T.:
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38070 - Fletcher-Bryan, D.-T.:
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40757 - Castle, I.:
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58835 - Lardas, M.:
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57248 - Gibson, C.:
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46152 - Kelly, T.:
Nine Lives of a Fighter Pilot. A Hurricane Pilot in WWII
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50664 - Polak-Rajlich, T.-J.:
No.312 (Czechoslovak) Squadron 1940-1945. Hurricane, Spitfire
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50667 - Listemann, P.H.:
No.453 (R.A.A.F.) Squadron 1941-1945. Buffaloes, Spitfire
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50668 - Watkins-Listemann, P.H.:
No.501 (County of Gloucester) Squadron 1939-1945. Hurricane, Spitfire, Tempest
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46149 - Hooker, S.:
Not Much of an Engineer. An Autobiography
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61969 - Gibson, C.:
On Atlas' Shoulders. RAF Transport Projects since 1945
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26735 - Ashley, G.:
Osprey Modelling 001: Modelling the Harrier I and II
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27019 - Sutherland, R.:
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21633 - AAVV, :
Osprey Modelling Manuals 18: Supermarine Spitfire
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19434 - Ford Jones, M.:
Oxford's own. The Men and Machines of No.15/XV Squadron Royal Flying Corps/Royal Air Force
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41422 - Oliver, D.:
Panavia Tornado
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38927 - Eeles, T.:
Passion for Flying. 8000 Hours of RAF Flying (A)
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51954 - Feast, S.:
Pathfinder Companion. War Diaries and Experiences of the RAF Pathfinder Force 1942-1945 (The)
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70530 - Owers, C.A. cur:
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71834 - Doyle, D.:
PBY Catalina. Consolidated's Flying Boat in WWII - Legends of Warfare
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42574 - Dow, A.:
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36650 - Caeiro, J.L.:
Perfiles Aeronauticos 08: Bristol Bulldog Vol 1
15.00 €
36651 - Caeiro, J.L.:
Perfiles Aeronauticos 09: Bristol Bulldog Vol 2
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36652 - Sales Lluch-Aballe Vieira, J.M.-R.:
Perfiles Aeronauticos 10: Hawker Fury Vol 1
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60450 - Pike, R.:
Phantom Boys. True tales from the UK Operators of the McDonnell Douglas F-4
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48945 - Air Ministry, :
Pilot's Notes: A/W Albermarle
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49323 - Air Ministry, :
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49337 - Air Ministry, :
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49294 - Air Ministry, :
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49327 - Air Ministry, :
Pilot's Notes: Avro Lancaster II
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49328 - Air Ministry, :
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49298 - Air Ministry, :
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49299 - Air Ministry, :
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49301 - Air Ministry, :
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49300 - Air Ministry, :
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49306 - Air Ministry, :
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49307 - Air Ministry, :
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49322 - Air Ministry, :
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49358 - Air Ministry, :
Pilot's Notes: De Havilland Tiger Moth
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49302 - Air Ministry, :
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49305 - Air Ministry, :
Pilot's Notes: English Electiric Canberra
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49317 - Air Ministry, :
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49332 - Air Ministry, :
Pilot's Notes: Gloster Meteor III
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49320 - Air Ministry, :
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49325 - Air Ministry, :
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49356 - Air Ministry, :
Pilot's Notes: Hawker Tempest II Centaurus V Engine
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49357 - Air Ministry, :
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49359 - Air Ministry, :
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49340 - Air Ministry, :
Pilot's Notes: Seafire 45 and 46
12.00 €
49354 - Air Ministry, :
Pilot's Notes: Short Stirling I, III and IV
12.00 €
49353 - Air Ministry, :
Pilot's Notes: Short Sunderland V
12.00 €
49346 - Air Ministry, :
Pilot's Notes: Spitfire IX, XI and XVI
12.00 €
49343 - Air Ministry, :
Pilot's Notes: Spitfire VA, VB, VC
12.00 €
49349 - Air Ministry, :
Pilot's Notes: Spitfire XVIII
12.00 €
49351 - Air Ministry, :
Pilot's Notes: Spitfire XXII and XXIV
12.00 €
49363 - Air Ministry, :
Pilot's Notes: Wellington III, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV
12.00 €
49364 - Air Ministry, :
Pilot's Notes: Westland Whirlwind I
12.00 €
57539 - Listemann, P.:
Planes and Pilots 21: Supermarine Spitfire Vol 2: Mk VI to IX and XVI
23.00 €
19701 - Cynk, J.:
Polish Air Force at war 1939-43
75.00 €
19702 - Cynk, J.:
Polish Air Force at war 1943-45
75.00 €
57988 - Tavares-Soares, L.A.-A.J.:
Portuguese Fighter Colours 1919-1956
55.00 €
53055 - Buttler, T.:
Postwar British Military Aircraft. A Colour Photographic Record from 1945-1970
33.00 €
29769 - Spacek, J.:
Present Aircraft 09: Westland Lynx in detail
22.00 €
35982 - Spacek-Spurny-Martinec, J.-J.-J.:
Present Aircraft 12: Westland Sea King in detail
22.00 €
21638 - Salt, B.:
Pride of Eagles. A History of the Rhodesian Air Force
69.95 €
46578 - Windle-Bowman, D.-M.:
Profiles of Flight 02: Sepecat Jaguar
36.00 €
51410 - Windle-Bowman, D.-M.:
Profiles of Flight 07: V-Bombers. Vulcan, Valiant and Victor
36.00 €
72595 - Buttler, T.:
Propeller Twilight. The Last Generation of British Piston Engine Fighters
59.95 €
53054 - Falconer, J.:
RAF Airfields of WWII
55.00 €
68872 - Galbiati, F.:
RAF Bomber Command (1939-1945) - Storia Militare Dossier 54
16.00 €
25288 - Goulding-Moyes, J.-P.:
RAF Bomber Command and its Aircraft 1936-1940 Vol 1
35.00 €
25266 - Goulding-Moyes, J.-P.:
RAF Bomber Command and its Aircraft 1941-1945 Vol 2
35.00 €
31137 - AAVV, :
RAF Bomber Command. Air War over Germany DVD
18.00 €
59401 - McNab, C.:
RAF Chinook. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1980 onwards (Marks HC-1 to HC-6)
39.95 €
53974 - Sandham Bailey, C.:
RAF Cold War Jet Aircraft in Profile
55.00 €
42432 - Galbiati, F.:
RAF Fighter Command (1939-1945) - Storia Militare Dossier 60
16.00 €
17082 - Franks, N.:
RAF Fighter Command Losses of the Second World War Vol 1: 1939-41
24.00 €
17084 - Franks, N.:
RAF Fighter Command Losses of the Second World War Vol 3: 1944-45
27.00 €
41569 - Derry-Robinson, M.-N,:
RAF Fighters Before the Storm - FlightCraft Special 03
29.95 €
59537 - Wilson, K.:
RAF In Camera. 1960s
49.95 €
69744 - Sandham Bailey, C.:
RAF Second World War Fighters in Profile
55.00 €
52543 - Darling, K.:
RAF Strike Command 1968-2007. Aircraft, Men and Action
39.95 €
54249 - Loveless, A.:
RAF Typhoon. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1994 Onwards (all marks)
36.00 €
59027 - Brookes, A.:
RAF V-Force 1955-69. Insights into the Organisation, Aircraft and Weaponry of Britain's Cold War Strategic Nuclear Strike Force
45.00 €
63308 - Karnas, D.:
RAF WWII Fighter Instrument Panels
27.00 €
52680 - Sloggett, D.:
RAF's Air War in Libya. New Conflicts in the Era of Austerity
36.00 €
61915 - McCarthy, D.J.:
Raptors. All F-15 and F-16 Aerial Combat Victories (The)
59.95 €
65970 - AAVV, :
Real Colors of WWII. Aircraft
59.95 €
68355 - Neubeck, K.:
Republic F-84. The USAF's Thunderjet, Thunderstreak, and Thunderflash Fighters - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
58485 - Payne, S.:
RMS Queen Mary 2. Owner's Workshop Manual. 2003 Onwards
36.00 €
49713 - Burns, I.M.:
RNAS and the Birth of the Aircraft Carrier 1914-1918 (The)
33.00 €
52053 - Bar, R.:
Ronny Bar Profiles. Spitfire the Merlin Variants
59.95 €
63610 - Caliaro, L.:
Rosso Corsa. La Coppa Schneider e il Reparto Alta Velocita'
59.00 €
34348 - AAVV, :
Royal Air Force Handbook. The Definitive MoD Guide (The)
27.00 €
64077 - Napier, M.:
Royal Air Force. A Centenary of Operations
45.00 €
63301 - Garton, N.:
Royal Aircraft Factory SE5 Owners' Workshop Manual. 1916 Onwards. SE5, SE5A, SE5B and SE-5E
39.95 €
22850 - Treadwell-Wood, C.-A.C.:
Royal Naval Air Service (The)
21.00 €
64188 - Jeram Croft, L.:
Royal Navy Lynx. An Operational History
39.95 €
58284 - James, D.N.:
Schneider Trophy Aircraft 1913-1931
59.95 €
53799 - Pegram, R.:
Schneider Trophy Seaplanes and Flying Boats. Victors, Vanquished and Visions (The)
59.95 €
31278 - Hunter, J.:
Sea Harrier. The last All-British Fighter
33.00 €
45987 - Mason, T.:
Seaplane Years (The)
55.00 €
20868 - Mason, T.:
Secret Years. Flight Testing at Boscombe Down 1939-1945 (The)
55.00 €
48957 - Brown, R.:
Shark Squadron. The History of 112 Squadron 1917-1975
39.95 €
42159 - Barker, R.:
Ship-Busters! A Classic Account of RAF Torpedo-Bombers in WWII
23.00 €
41707 - Crawford , A.:
Shipbuster. Mosquito Mk XVIII 'Tse Tse'. An operational history
19.95 €
57980 - Falconer, J.:
Short Stirling Owner's Workshop Manual. 1939-1948 (all marks)
45.00 €
71042 - Mackay, R.:
Short Stirling. RAF Heavy Bomber in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
52506 - Hendrie, A.:
Short Sunderland. The 'Flying Porcupines' in the WWII
36.00 €
54663 - Owers, C.:
Shorts Aircraft of WWI Vol 1: Early Types
59.95 €
70820 - Owers, C.:
Shorts Aircraft of WWI Vol 2: Short 184
59.95 €
70821 - Owers, C.:
Shorts Aircraft of WWI Vol 3: Later Types
59.95 €
48954 - Henshaw, A.:
Sigh for a Merlin. Testing the Spitfire
15.00 €
69672 - AAVV, :
Solution Book 10: WWII RAF Early Aircraft
15.00 €
60594 - Cotter, J.:
Sopwith Camel. Owners' Workshop Manual. 1916-20 (F.1/2F.1)
45.00 €
48404 - Gordon-Kommissarov, Y.-D.:
Soviet and Russian Testbed Aircrafts
55.00 €
36757 - AAVV, :
Special Museum 42: Meteor F.Mk 8 in detail. Meteor F.Mk 8 in the RAF Museum at Hendon and IWM at Duxford
27.00 €
39390 - AAVV, :
Special Museum 45: Bristol Fighter F.2B in detail
25.00 €
51701 - Koran-Velek, f.-M.:
Special Museum 68: Swordfish Mk.II and Mk.III in detail. Swordfish in the CASM Ottawa and IWM Duxford
29.95 €
51149 - Bond-Forder, S.-R.:
Special Ops Liberators. 223 (Bomber Support) Squadron, 100 Group, and the Electronic War
39.95 €
57401 - Holmes, T.:
12.00 €
23423 - Ethell-Pace, J.L.-S.:
29.95 €
25054 - Bracken, R.:
Spitfire II. The Canadians
45.00 €
26549 - Alegi-Gueli, G.-M.:
Spitfire italiani
23.50 €
51950 - Saunders, A.:
Spitfire Mark 1 P9374. The remarkable story of how a unique aircraft returned to flight
33.00 €
55644 - Snowden, T.:
Spitfire Revisited. An enthusiast's Guide to modelling the Spitfire and Seafire
39.95 €
69445 - Mackay, R.:
Spitfire Vol 1: Supermarine's Spitfire Marques I to VII and Seafire Marques I to III - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
48955 - Quill, J.:
Spitfire. A Test Pilot's Story
15.00 €
37296 - AAVV, :
Spitfire. La Legende Volante - Mod. Reduit Avion HS 01 (Le)
17.00 €
39827 - McKinstry, L.:
Spitfire. Portrait of a Legend
36.00 €
30416 - Patterson-Dick, D.-R.:
Spitfire. RAF Fighter
18.00 €
25055 - Bracken, R.:
Spitfire. The Canadians
42.00 €
58809 - Dibbs-Holmes, J.-T.:
Spitfire. The Legend Lives On
49.95 €
68083 - Sharp, D.:
Spitfires over Berlin. Desperation and Devastation During WW2's Final Months
45.00 €
62120 - Ballance-Howard-Sturtivant, T.-L.-R.:
Squadrons and Units of the Fleet Air Arm
79.95 €
59938 - Smith, D.:
Stations of Coastal Command Then and Now
59.95 €
47083 - Bowyer, M.J.F.:
Stirling Story. A Complete History (The)
39.95 €
54143 - Di Nunzio, M.:
Storia del Coastal Command
20.00 €
36700 - Delve, K.:
Story of the Spitfire. An Operational and Combat History (The)
49.95 €
52705 - Nesbit, R.C.:
Strike Wings. Special Anti-Shipping Squadrons 1942-45 (The)
36.00 €
54635 - Wragg, D.:
Stringbag. The Fairey Swordfish at War
36.00 €
38516 - Price-Blackah, A.-P.:
Supermairne Spitfire. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1936 onwards (all marks)
45.00 €
65595 - Pegram, R.:
Supermarine Rolls-Royce S6B. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1931 (S1595 and S1596)
36.00 €
38436 - Darling, K.:
Supermarine Seafire
45.00 €
46596 - Price, A.:
Supermarine Spitfire
33.00 €
21246 - Blackah-Blackah, P.-L.:
Supermarine Spitfire Restoration Manual. An Insight into building, restoring and returning Spitfires in the Skies
45.00 €
64767 - Cole, L.:
Supermarine Spitfire. The Mk V and its Variants - Flightcraft Series 15 (The)
29.95 €
24004 - Kightly-Wallsgrove, J.-R.:
Supermarine Walrus and Stanraer
18.00 €
45739 - Docherty, T.:
Swift to Battle. No 72 Fighter Squadron RAF in Action Vol III: 1947-1961
36.00 €
57135 - Byron-Coxon, R.-D.:
Tangemere. Famous RAF Fighter Station. An Authorised History
39.95 €
69835 - Jackson, J.:
Teach for the Sky. British Training Aircraft since 1945
45.00 €
60312 - Eden-Moeng, P.E.-S. curs:
Technical Drawings of Aircraft of WWII 1939-1945
36.00 €
38689 - Duke, N.:
Test Pilot
18.00 €
62605 - Goodchild, G.:
Thor. Anatomy of a Weapon System
29.95 €
65914 - Bucholtz, C.:
Thunderbolts Triumphant. The 362nd Fighter Group vs Germany's Wehrmacht
45.00 €
47084 - Bramson, A.:
Tiger Moth Story. A Complete History (The)
39.95 €
48433 - Mokwa, S.K.:
Top Drawings 011: Supermarine Spitfire Mk. IX/XVI and other
21.00 €
59828 - Mokwa, S.K.:
Top Drawings 029: Supermarine Spitfire Mk. IX/XVI and other
25.00 €
61391 - Lukasik, M.:
Top Drawings 037: Curtiss P-40 F,K,L,M,N models
25.00 €
67984 - Noszak, M.:
Top Drawings 089: British Fighter Aircraft S.E. 5a
25.00 €
67992 - Rys, M.:
Top Drawings 094: Gloster Gladiator Mk. I, I Trop, II, II Meteo, Sea Gladiator, J-8
25.00 €
67981 - Rao, A.:
Top Drawings 095: Fairey Swordfish. Mk. I, II, III, IV, Floatplane
25.00 €
72059 - Rao, A.:
Top Drawings 130: Bristol Blenheim
25.00 €
42117 - Lukasik-Swiatlon-Wrobel, M.-J.-A.:
Topcolors 08: Battle of Britain Part I
21.00 €
47817 - Szlagor-Swiatlon, J.-A.:
Topcolors 18: Supermarine Spitfire Mk VIII
21.00 €
48457 - Goralczyk-Swiatlon-Szlagor, M.-J.-T.:
Topcolors 23: Supermarine Spitfire Mk Vb - decals by Cartograf
21.00 €
48920 - Swiatlon, J.:
Topcolors 24: Supermarine Spitfire Mk XVIe - decals by Cartograf
21.00 €
60449 - Hall, I.:
Tornado Boys. Thrilling tales from the men and women who have operated this indomitable modern-day bomber
36.00 €
41663 - Gibbs, P.:
Torpedo Leader
15.00 €
46903 - Burke, D.:
TSR2. Britain's Lost Bomber
60.00 €
46634 - McLelland, T.:
TSR2. Britain's Lost Cold War Strike Aircraft Rev.Exp.Ed.
39.95 €
44790 - Franks, N.:
Typhoon attack
25.00 €
19866 - Gibson, C.:
Typhoon to Typhoon. RAF Air Support Projects and Weapons Since 1945
45.00 €
53967 - Sutton, M.:
Typhoon. The inside story of an RAF Fighter Squadron at war
25.00 €
38750 - Caygill, P.:
Ultimate Spitfires
36.00 €
68485 - Anselmino-Caliaro, F.-L.:
Ultimi caccia a pistoni. Una storia per immagini (Gli)
22.50 €
65269 - Coremans-Gordts, D.-P.:
Uncovering the English Electric Lightning
39.95 €
38558 - Brayley, M.J.:
USAAF Airman - Service and Survival, 1941-45
36.00 €
52540 - Sands-Madgwick-Scott, G.-G.-P.:
V Bombers. Britains Cold War Nuclear Deterrent
30.00 €
38552 - Jones, B.:
V-Bombers - Valiant, Vulcan and Victor
36.00 €
58019 - Derry-Robinson, M.-N.:
V-Bombers. Valiant, Vulcan and Victor - Flightcraft Series 07
29.95 €
60454 - Blackman-Wright, T.-A.:
Valiant Boys. True Tales from the operators of the UK's first Four-Jet Bomber
36.00 €
53357 - Murray, I.R.:
Vickers Wellington. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1936 to 1953 (all marks and models)
36.00 €
71722 - Mackay, R.:
Vickers Wellington. The RAF's Long-Range Medium Bomber in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
53486 - Blackman, T.:
Victor Boys. True Stories from Forty Memorable Years of the Last V Bomber
36.00 €
22944 - Revell, A.:
Victoria Cross. WWI Airmen and their Aircraft
33.00 €
70541 - Revell, A.:
Victoria Cross. WWI Airmen and Their Aircraft Vol 1
45.00 €
51712 - Kloucek-Kudlicka, P.-B.:
Victory Air Displays. Prague 1946 and '47
25.00 €
54981 - Smith, M.:
Voices in Flight. The Fleet Air Arm
39.95 €
56300 - Blackman, T.:
Vulcan Boys. From the Cold War to Falklands: True Tales of the Iconic Delta V Bomber
36.00 €
38175 - Blackman, T.:
Vulcan Test Pilot. My Experiences in the Cockpit of a Cold War Icon
19.95 €
48401 - Gibson, C.:
Vulcan's Hammer. V-Force Aircraft and Weapons Projects since 1945
45.00 €
45305 - Mackay, R.:
Walk Around 056: Spitfire, Merlin Variant
27.00 €
15875 - Jenkins, D.:
WarbirdTech 21: Boeing/BAE Harrier
21.00 €
61218 - Hall, A.W.:
Warpaint 001: Bristol Beaufighter
18.00 €
36087 - Jackson-Foster, P.-P.:
Warpaint 002: Blackburn Buccaneer
19.95 €
36088 - Thomas, C.:
Warpaint 005: Hawker Typhoon
19.95 €
63138 - Hall, A.W.:
Warpaint 006: Avro Shackleton
19.95 €
36089 - Hall, A.W.:
Warpaint 008: Hawker Hunter
27.00 €
59898 - Phillips, G.:
Warpaint 009: Grumman F4F Wildcat
19.95 €
36090 - Hall, A.W.:
Warpaint 010: Vickers Wellington
19.95 €
36091 - Hazell, S.:
Warpaint 011: De Havilland Sea Vixen
19.95 €
63140 - Harrison, W.A::
Warpaint 012: Fairey Swordfish
19.95 €
59900 - Hall, A.:
Warpaint 014: British Aircraft Corporation Lightning
30.00 €
63141 - Hall, A.:
Warpaint 015: Short Stirling
19.95 €
36092 - Harrison, W.A.:
Warpaint 016: Hawker Sea Fury
18.00 €
36093 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 017: Gloster Javelin
21.00 €
63142 - Wixey, K.:
Warpaint 018: Douglas Skyraider. Including Ad-1 to AD-7
19.95 €
36094 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 019: de Havilland Hornet and Sea Hornet
19.95 €
36095 - Bussy, G.:
Warpaint 020: Supermarine Seafire. Griffon-engined variants
21.00 €
36096 - Wixey, K.:
Warpaint 021: Armstrong Withworth Whitley
21.00 €
36097 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 022: Gloster Meteor
30.00 €
36098 - Hazell, S.:
Warpaint 023: Fairey Gannet
23.00 €
36100 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 025: Short Sunderland
21.00 €
36101 - Thomas, A.:
Warpaint 026: Bristol Blenheim
21.00 €
36102 - Harrison, W.A.:
Warpaint 027: de Havilland Vampire
30.00 €
36104 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 029: Hawker Sea Hawk
21.00 €
36105 - Darling, K.:
Warpaint 030: Avro Vulcan B.1, B.1A, B.2 and K.2
23.00 €
36106 - Hazell, S.:
Warpaint 031: McDonnell Douglas F-4K and F-4M Phantom
27.00 €
36107 - Caruana, R.J.:
Warpaint 032: Douglas A-20 Boston/Havoc
25.00 €
36109 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 034: Avro Lincoln including engine test bed aircraft
23.00 €
36110 - Harrison, W.A.:
Warpaint 035: Fairey Barracuda
21.00 €
36111 - Hazell, S.:
Warpaint 036: Handley Page Victor
25.00 €
36112 - Spencer, T.:
Warpaint 037: Gloster Gladiator
25.00 €
63143 - Hall-Sturtivant, A.W.-R.:
Warpaint 039: Supermarine Walrus
18.00 €
36114 - Hazell, S.:
Warpaint 040: Canadair Sabre
25.00 €
36115 - Bussy, G.:
Warpaint 041: Fairey Fulmar
21.00 €
36116 - Hall, A.W.:
Warpaint 042: Boulton Paul Defiant
18.00 €
36117 - Stafrace, C.:
Warpaint 043: Lockheed F-104 Starfighter
29.95 €
36118 - Harrison, W.A.:
Warpaint 044: de Havilland Venom and Sea Venom
23.00 €
36119 - Darling, K.:
Warpaint 045: Martin B-57 Canberra
23.00 €
36120 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 046: Handley Page Halifax and Halton
27.00 €
36122 - Hall, A.W.:
Warpaint 048: Westland Lysander
21.00 €
36124 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 050: Bristol Beaufort
21.00 €
36126 - Harrison, W.A.:
Warpaint 052: Fairey Albacore
21.00 €
36127 - Hall, A.W.:
Warpaint 053: Avro Anson Mks. I-XXII
23.00 €
36128 - Hall, A.W.:
Warpaint 054: Westland Whirlwind F.Mk.I
18.00 €
36129 - Caruana, R.J.:
Warpaint 055: Hawker Tempest Mks.II to VI
21.00 €
36130 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 056: Blackburn Firebrand and Firecrest
21.00 €
36131 - Hall, A.W. cur:
Warpaint 057: Handley Page Hampden and Hereford
21.00 €
36736 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 058: Supermarine Swift and Type 535
21.00 €
36751 - Hall, A.W. cur:
Warpaint 059: Lockheed Hudson Mk.I to Mk.VI
21.00 €
36752 - Stafrace, C.:
Warpaint 060: English Electric Canberra
30.00 €
37252 - Hall, A.W.:
Warpaint 062: Handley Page Hastings
21.00 €
38535 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 063: Vickers Valiant
19.95 €
38589 - Stafrace, C.:
Warpaint 065: Westland Wessex
25.00 €
39177 - Stafrace, C.:
Warpaint 066: Bristol Bulldog
18.00 €
39673 - Hall, A. W.:
Warpaint 067: Folland/Hawker Siddeley GNAT Including HAL Ajeet
19.95 €
40129 - Hall, A. W.:
Warpaint 068: Bristol Brigand, including Buckingham and Buckmaster
19.95 €
40717 - Hall, A. W. cur:
Warpaint 069: Martin B-26 Marauder
21.00 €
43768 - Stafrace, C.:
Warpaint 070: Vought F4U Corsair
30.00 €
43766 - Stafrace, C.:
Warpaint 071: Armstrong Whitworth A.W.650/660 Argosy
21.00 €
43767 - Darling, K.:
Warpaint 072: Vickers Supermarine Merlin Seafire
21.00 €
43769 - Darling, K.:
Warpaint 073: North American B-25 Mitchell
21.00 €
43765 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 074: Hawker P.1127, Hawker Siddeley Kestrel and Harrier Mks I-IV
25.00 €
44426 - Darling, K.:
Warpaint 075: BAe Sea Harrier
21.00 €
46232 - Stafrace, C.:
Warpaint 077: Curtiss P-40 Tomahawk/Warhawk
21.00 €
48595 - Balch, A.M.:
Warpaint 082: BAC Jet Provost and Strikemaster
25.00 €
46466 - Harrison, W.:
Warpaint 083: Fairey Battle
27.00 €
50811 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 085: Supermarine Type 508, 525 and Scimitar
23.00 €
50809 - White, I.:
Warpaint 086: Vickers Wellesley
23.00 €
53081 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 089: Avro Lancaster
27.00 €
55764 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 094: Supermarine Attacker
23.00 €
55765 - Stafrace, C.:
Warpaint 095: Westland Sea King
30.00 €
57448 - Harrison, W.:
Warpaint 098: Avro York
27.00 €
59269 - Balch, A.:
Warpaint 101: De Havilland D.H82 Tiger Moth
25.00 €
59809 - Buttler, T.:
Warpaint 103: Avro Manchester
23.00 €
59808 - Willis, M.:
Warpaint 105: Sopwith Pup
23.00 €
61217 - Balch, A.M:
Warpaint 106: Sikorsky S-55/H19 Chickasaw and Westland Whirlwind
30.00 €
62465 - Balch, A.M.:
Warpaint 110: Westland Scout and Wasp
27.00 €
63779 - Brennan, D.:
Warpaint 113: Panavia Tornado ADV
29.95 €
64962 - Butler, T.:
Warpaint 115: Armstrong Whitworth Albemarle
23.00 €
65523 - Butler, T.:
Warpaint 116: Hawker Fury and Nimrod
27.00 €
67750 - Stafrace, C.:
Warpaint 125: Bristol Britannia. Canadair CP-107 Argus and CC-106 Yukon
29.95 €
68959 - Wilis, M.:
Warpaint 128: Bristol Scout
25.00 €
70001 - Balch, A.M.:
Warpaint 131: Auster in British Military and Foreign Air Arm Service
33.00 €
71994 - Balch, A.M.:
Warpaint 135: De Havilland DH 89 Dragon Rapide and Dominie
33.00 €
71995 - Harrison, W.:
Warpaint 136: Airspeed Oxford and Consul
35.00 €
72495 - Balch, A.M.:
Warpaint 139: De Havilland (Canada) DHC-2 Beaver
35.00 €
36084 - Hall, A.W. cur:
Warpaint Special 01: Republic P-47 Thunderbolt
33.00 €
72139 - Brennan, D.:
Warpaint Special 06: Dambusters and the Lancaster
36.00 €
61251 - Howard, L.:
Westland Lynx. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1976 to present (HAS Mk2, Mk3 and HMA Mk8 Models)
45.00 €
59028 - Howard, L.:
Westland Sea King. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1988 Onwards (Hu Mk.5 Sar Model)
45.00 €
64237 - Howard, L.:
Westland Wessex. Owner's Workshop Manual. 1958 onwards (all models)
45.00 €
52605 - McDonald, P.:
Winged Warriors. The Cold War from the Cockpit
39.95 €
67958 - Postlethwaite, M.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 03 Hawker Hurricane Mk. I in RAF Service - 1935 to the Battle of Britain
29.95 €
68487 - Alexander, R.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 05 Avro Lancaster Mk. I/III Early Production Batches 1941-1943
29.95 €
69568 - Robinson-Postlethwaite, N.-M.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 06 Supermarine Spitfire Mk V in Europe and North Africa
29.95 €
69569 - Falconer, J.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 07 Short Stirling Mk. I/III in RAF Service
29.95 €
69570 - Thomas, A.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 08 De Haviland Vampire in RAF and overseas Service
29.95 €
69572 - Robinson, N.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 10 Bristol Beaufighter Mk I, Mk II and Mk VI F in Europe and North Africa
29.95 €
70225 - Falconer, J.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 11 Short Stirling Mk IV/V in RAF Service
29.95 €
70226 - Thomas, A.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 12 Gloster Gladiator in RAF and Overseas Service
29.95 €
70890 - Higgins-Robinson, T.-N.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 14 Bristol Beaufighter Mk VIc, Mk X and Mk XI in NW Europe
29.95 €
70889 - Postlethwaite, M.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 15 Avro Lancaster Mk. I/III Late Production Batches 1943-1945
29.95 €
70959 - Thomas, C.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 16 Hawker Typhoon Part 1: 1940 to Spring 1943
29.95 €
71553 - Thirsk, I.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 17 DH Mosquito Bombers Part 1 Single Stage Merlin Variants
29.95 €
71554 - Allam, P.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 18 Avro Lancaster Mks II, VI, X, Type 464 and B.I (Special) 1942-1945
29.95 €
71849 - Robinson, N.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 19 Westland Whirlwind in World War Two
29.95 €
46265 - Parry, S.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 20 Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX in RAF Service, NW Europe and the Med
29.95 €
72132 - Thomas, C.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 21 Hawker Typhoon Part 2: Summer 1943 to early 1944
29.95 €
72262 - Ford, C.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 22 N.A. Mustang in RAF Service Part 1: Allison engined versions
29.95 €
72490 - Robinson, N.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 24 P-40 Tomahawk and Kittyhawk in RAF Service. Euope and North Africa
29.95 €
72763 - Alexander, R.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 26 Supermarine Spitfire MK I/II
29.95 €
73074 - Thomas, C.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 29 Hawker Tempest Mk V in RAF Service
29.95 €
26320 - Tuerk, P.:
Wingleader Photo Archive 30 Consolidated Liberator G.R. Variants in RAF Coastal Command and RCAF Service
29.95 €
54806 - Brown, E.:
Wings of the Navy
55.00 €
45986 - Brown, E.:
Wings of the Weird and Wonderful
45.00 €
42857 - King-Morosanu, A.-T.L.:
Wings on Windermere. The history of the Lake District's forgotten flying boat factory
39.95 €
65932 - Moran, P.:
Wreck Recovery in Britain Then and Now
45.00 €
54807 - Ellis, K.:
Wrecks and Relics. Great Aviation Collections of Britain
29.95 €
48163 - Ellis, K.:
Wrecks and Relics. Lost Aviation Collection of Britain. Special 50th Anniversary Edition
25.00 €
63088 - Brookes-Tooby, A.-A.:
X-Planes 005: TSR2. Britain's lost Cold War strike jet
23.00 €
19467 - Buttler, T.:
X-Planes 015: Cold War Delta Prototypes. The Fairey Deltas, Convair Century-Series, and Avro 707
23.00 €
48926 - Buttler-Delezenne, T.-J.L.:
X-Planes of Europe Vol 1. Secret Research Aircraft from the Golden Age 1946-1974
55.00 €
58675 - Buttler, T.:
X-Planes of Europe Vol 2. Military Prototype Aircraft from the Golden Age 1945-1974
59.95 €